By Budiyono AF
Ujaring the pinisepuh:
Laki Laki new Java can be said Laki Laki nduweni yen wis
Wisma Women Turangga Kukila
A Philosophy noble civilization of our ancestors who obviously really really terms of meaning,
Omah utawa homestead or house, is an absolute must have for every activity of everyday life, starting from the name of the house. As a small heavenly places in it where there will be slowly but surely everything else according to the desire of our hearts sapanjang time. Resting comfortably, sleep in peace. .. Happily mingle with family members
Home is the answer to thousands of questions, than just make a facebook account to create a passport then list the home address is an absolute requirement.
Yes Wisma is the identity that become embedded in our self.
Yes woman beautiful woman who makes your eyes cool off peacefully. Bring the excitement of life, balance emosianoal, inner and outer happiness, love, love, and also as widodari heavenly world, unite two souls in accordance with the laws of nature Linga Yoni intercourse until the biological sperm Laki Laki into the lubang wanita to give birth to female offspring to continue the generation that would hopefully be better than our ancestors ..
Tirangga utawa Turangga, a horse or a horse. Male yes every course must have the form Turangga titihan, a true symbol lakian kelaki, Valor, establishment, beauty, dignity, degree, level of social status and self-esteem.
as a means of supporting activities to manage perusahaanya prestige, its plantation.
Day trips to enjoy the beauty of nature with his loved ones.
For now of course the prestige of a Turangga identical with Private Car
Kukila utawa turtledove bird or pet birds warble sweet all the time, Owners are identical with the aristocracy established long ago. And this is very consistent until whenever. As an inherent pride and bring harmony of nature, will be patience, love of beauty so clean hearts and minds continue to grow new inspiration, to continue to build a personal identity and profesianal.
For now Prestige Kukila can Identical With PC or Laptop
Banjarnegara 20 July 1999, the original write By Budiyono AF
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